Foundation of Researchers in Science and Technology of Materials

About us


The Foundation of Researchers in Science and Technology of Materials (FORISTOM), pursues charitable purposes of common interest or utility, the improvement of the quality of life, the common welfare or social interest, of academic, scientific, technological, cultural, sports, and social service, without profit and without occupation of political issues.

Corporate Purpose

The FORISTOM Foundation aims to create appropriate scenarios for cultural, academic, scientific, sports, and social activities, where students, professionals, teachers, and researchers meet to carry out the exchange of creative ideas, as well as the dissemination, socialization, transfer and active, effective and efficient appropriation of academic and scientific knowledge of research, technological development, and innovation in the area of science, engineering, nanotechnology, social inclusion of the materials, and other disciplines with the purpose of establishing a network of universal cooperation.


The purpose of the FORISTOM foundation is to support cultural, academic, scientific, sports, and social processes of educational institutions, universities, and industries through the efficient cross-sectoral transfer of knowledge and the exchange of creative ideas of research, technological development, and innovation in order to strengthen the processes of basic, media, superior, and professional education by means of the area of the science, engineering, nanotechnology, social inclusion of the materials, and other disciplines.


The FORISTOM Foundation in society, generates, motivates, contributes, and strengthens the interaction between students, professors, professionals, businessmen, and researchers through the exchange of creative ideas, dissemination, circulation, transfer, and social appropriation of academic and scientific knowledge of research, technological development, and innovation in the area of the science, engineering, nanotechnology, social inclusion of the materials, and other disciplines.

Founding partners

FORISTOM founding partners are the following.

recent_actors  Ely Dannier V. Niño
Network Director
recent_actors  José José Barba Ortega
Financial Director
recent_actors  Alejandro David Martinez Amariz
Research Director
recent_actors  Héctor Jaime Dulce Moreno
Academic Director

Special Tax Regime

Permanence in the Special Tax Regimen, Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN, by the acronym in Spanish), Colombia; in compliance with Law 1819 of 2016 that modified the special tax regime for non-profit entities (ESAL, by the acronym in Spanish), we make available to civil society the following information of FORISTOM.

The following e-mail address you could send the observations and comments: